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HA Davis

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Pearson, C. ., Riley, E. ., Davis, H. ., & Smith, G. . (2014). Two pathways toward impulsive action: an integrative risk model for bulimic behavior in youth. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines, 55(8), 852-64.
Davis, H. ., & Smith, G. . (2018). An integrative model of risk for high school disordered eating. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 127(6), 559-570.
Kaiser, A. ., Davis, H. ., Milich, R. ., Smith, G. ., & Charnigo, R. . (2018). Bidirectional Relations of Impulsive Personality and Alcohol Use Across Three Waves of Data Collection. Substance Use & Misuse, 53(14), 2386-2393. (Original work published 2018)
Peterson, S. ., Davis, H. ., & Smith, G. . (2018). Personality and learning predictors of adolescent alcohol consumption trajectories. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 127(5), 482-495.
Davis, H. ., Ortiz, A. ., & Smith, G. . (2018). The Occurrence and Covariation of Binge Eating and Compensatory Behaviors Across Early to Mid-Adolescence. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 43(4), 402-412. (Original work published 2018)
Davis, H. ., Riley, E. ., Smith, G. ., Milich, R. ., & Burris, J. . (1969). Alcohol use and strenuous physical activity in college students: A longitudinal test of 2 explanatory models of health behavior. Journal of American College Health : J of ACH, 65(2), 112-121. (Original work published 1969)
Davis, H. ., Guller, L. ., & Smith, G. . (2016). Developmental trajectories of compensatory exercise and fasting behavior across the middle school years. Appetite, 107, 330-338. (Original work published 2016)
Davis, H. ., Guller, L. ., & Smith, G. . (2016). Developmental Trajectories of Boys’ Driven Exercise and Fasting During the Middle School Years. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 44(7), 1309-19.
Smith, G. ., & Davis, H. . (2015). Commentary: An exemplar of progress in understanding complex disorders - reflections on what we have learned about eating disorders (Culbert et al., 2015). Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines, 56(11), 1165-7.
Riley, E. ., Davis, H. ., Combs, J. ., Jordan, C. ., & Smith, G. . (2016). Nonsuicidal Self-injury as a Risk Factor for Purging Onset: Negatively Reinforced Behaviours that Reduce Emotional Distress. European Eating Disorders Review : The Journal of the Eating Disorders Association, 24(1), 78-82.