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Pulmonary Hypertension and Exercise Training: A Synopsis on the More Recent Evidences.


The benefits of exercise training in virtually all humans, including those with a clinically stable chronic disease are numerous. The potential value lies in the fact that functional capacity is oftentimes significantly compromised, and that it plays a role in reversing some of the pathophysiologic processes associated and improves clinical trajectory. Given the significant pathologic consequences associated with pulmonary hypertension and its implications for deteriorating right ventricular function as well as the perceived potential for a precipitous and possibly critical drop in cardiac output during periods of physical exertion, exercise training was historically not recommended for these patients. More recently, a promising body of literature demonstrating the safety and efficacy of exercise training (with benefit on exercise capacity, peak oxygen consumption and quality of life) in pulmonary hypertension patients has emerged, but the conclusions about the effects of exercise training were non exaustive and therefore there is still a lack of knowledge regarding exercise training for these patients. Thus, we aim to ascertain the current effectiveness of exercise rehabilitation for pulmonary hypertension by performing a brief overview on the latest currently available evidences in such an 'at a glance' synopsis addressed to summarize/quantify the more recent existing body of literature.

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Annals of medicine
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Ann Med
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