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Compulsive exercise or exercise dependence? Clarifying conceptualizations of exercise in the context of eating disorder pathology.


Maladaptive exercise relates to eating disorder (ED) pathology and impairment in clinical and non-clinical populations. At present, two different conceptualizations of maladaptive exercise are often studied in relation to ED pathology: compulsive exercise and exercise dependence. Compulsive exercise functions to avoid negative affect (e.g., guilt and anxiety) associated with not exercising, whereas exercise dependence is associated with tolerance to exercise benefits and avoidance of exercise withdrawal. At present, clinicians and researchers struggle to determine the most appropriate term for describing problematic exercise in individuals with ED pathology. This study aimed to directly compare these conceptualizations of maladaptive exercise in relation to severity of ED pathology.

Year of Publication
Journal of clinical sport psychology
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J Clin Sport Psychol
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