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Past Events

Calendar | Event List | Past Events

Speaker(s) / Presenter(s) Date
“The Book of Ruth and the Question of Migration” Ilana Pardes (author of Ruth: A Migrant's Tale, Yale 2022) -
Lunch and Learn Dr. Dima Strakovsky -
"Jewish Methods of Interpreting the Bible" Workshop Dr. Sheila Jelen -
“The Jewish Study Bible: What Makes it Jewish?” Adele Berlin (co-editor of The Jewish Study Bible, Oxford 2014) -
Lunch and Learn Dr. Jan Fernheimer -
“Leaving the Hasidic Community: Reality Versus Popular Culture" Zalmen S. Newfield (City University of New York)
“Too Jewish? Imagining the Ultra-Orthodox and America" Nora Rubel (University of Rochester)
“Making Movies About Orthodox Jews" Rama Burshtein (Film Director)
"Headscarves and Hashtags: Orthodox Jewish Women Represent Themselves" Karen Skinazi
Praying with Lior (2008): Director Q&A Ilana Trachtman -
Translating from Yiddish to English: Reclaiming Women's Voices Anita Norich & Jessica Kirzane -
Beyond the Mother Tongue: Learning Yiddish in America Jeffery Shandler -
Feeling Jewish: Nostalgia and American Jewish Religion Rachel B. Gross -
‘Living on a Sort of Island’: Jewish Refugee Farmers in the American South Andrew Sperling -
Claudia Roden "Gefilte Fish and Couscous" Claudia Roden
Katherine Bullock “Women and Islam” Katherine Bullock
Mina Yazdani “Religious Diversity in Iran” Mina Yazdani
“The Arab World and American Democracy” Dr. Jacob Berman -
“The Arab Spring: The Youth Revolts of the Arab World Aren't Over Juan Cole
Yousif Sheronik “Percussion of the Middle East” Yousif Sheronik
Tanya Habjouqa, Palestinian Photography
Susannah Heschel: "Ohavay Zion" Susannah Heschel -
"Religion, Identity and Competing Visions of Islam in Post-Soviet Central Asia" Devin Deweese
"The Israelite Samaritan Today: Past, Present and Looking to the Future." Benyamim (Benny) Tsedaka -
"My Father’s Paradise: How a Jewish Kid from Los Angeles Traveled to Wartime Iraq in Search of Roots, Identity and His Father's Improbable Life Story " Ariel Sabar